Ep #60: Creative PRO Claire Gallagher - The Perfect Swear Word

Designer and digital strategy coach, Claire Gallagher & I chat about the visibility paradox for early stage businesses, and the perfect swear word.

So, you've got an idea, and you want it to be good. You want it to be better than good - you want it to be perfect before you launch it to the world...

Nope. Do not pass go. Do not collect £200. 

According to Claire Gallagher, you're doing it all wrong, and btw, you owe the swear jar a coin, for using the P word.

Yes, P*rf3ct is a swear word in Claire's book, and she's very clear on why.

We also talk about the visibility paradox, and why you should really go for it and learn from your mistakes while no one’s watching!

Claire’s work with solopreneurs and service providers involves creating digital strategies to help them connect with clients, without falling into the traps of shiny objects and overwhelm. According to Claire, it’s all about doing less, but doing it better.

And let’s face it, who doesn’t look better, and more professional when they’ve had their make up put on by a pro? It’s kinda the same for your digital presence.

According to Claire Gallagher, you're doing it all wrong, and you owe the swear jar a coin, for using the P word.

Yes, P*rf3ct is a swear word in Claire's book, and she's very clear on why!

Claire has very kindly provided a digital strategy template for coaches and service providers that you can get by clicking here.

You can also catch up with her over on the award winning Grow Out Loud Podcast!

Categories: : busines advice, business coach, business development, creative professional, creativity, perfectionism, visibility