Ep#50: What if You're Already Dead? On The Creative Journey with Pulitzer Nominee Clint Arthur

Nine years after he gave up writing, a shaman pointed at Clint Arthur and told him he was already dead. The Pulitzer nominee tells us the story.

I knew that this week's guest, Clint Arthur had written many books, and that he is a very skillful storyteller. I also knew that he had built a hugely successful business from scratch, and that his connections and meetings with famous and powerful people played a role in that, and his new book, 'Wisdom of the Men'.

But until he told me, I didn't know that he walked away from writing for a whole 9 years before coming full circle, which considering his new book is nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, seems worth noting.

Then it hit me that this was a perfect example of a hero’s journey in the creative sphere.

I’ve seen too many people I thought of as ridiculously creative and capable, let themselves be worn into submission, and throw off their creative yearnings and talents for something more predictable, never to return to it.

What I love about this conversation, is that it shows how determination and ambition, but also a willingness to take a step back to ‘right the ship’, and the ability to redirect creativity into something else for a while, can bring about levels of success and fulfilment that really are the stuff of dreams.

Clint Arthur comes alive as story teller, so please check it out and enjoy his spontaneous Mick Jagger impersonation, and that awesome shaman story in full.

Categories: : advice, ambition, entrepreneur journey, fame, professional writer, wisdom, write a book, writing