Ep #59: Nurturing Creativity

This week, I'm starting to talk about creativity, what it is, how it happens (more on this to come) and how we can nurture it.

This week, I've decided to tackle creativity how we can think about understanding and nurturing it. 

We've got to go back a bit, to understand some of the blocks that exist today in our general approaches to understanding how to develop and maintain creativity. 

It's a big subject, and this episode is the tip of the iceberg, but there's gonna be more, so subscribe to be notified!

Meanwhile, you can 

 - take my diagnostic to find out how charged your creative battery is

 - check out how you can work with me to uncover and maintain your own creative blueprin

Categories: : career, creative thinking, creativity, personal development, success, creative professionals, professional growth, applied neuroscience, brain aware