Episode #90: More than Money: Private Equity Funding, with Esmond Greene

Esmond Greene, from Melior Equity Partners, one of Ireland’s leading private equity funds, shares some insights on what investors bring to the table,

Would you rather have 100% of 100, or 80% of 500?
This is one of the key mindset shifts that many businesses have to make when they consider a partnership with investors.

In this episode, I had the chance to dig into this with Esmond Greene, of Melior Equity, a leading Irish private equity fund.

Despite the ongoing popularity of shows like Dragon's Den and Shark Tank, in my experience, there's a lack of understanding about the role of private equity investors, and what they are offering and looking for.

Check out the episode to hear more about
- some of the misconceptions about funding, and how they might prevent businesses taking advantage of the benefits available through investment partners
- some examples of how funding has been able to expand a well-known Irish brand, in a way that the founder would not have been able to without investment
- the advantages of being well connected, beyond your own industry

To find out more about Melior Equity and the kind of companies they work with, visit https://meliorequity.com/

Categories: : business development, business expert, business growth, funding, interview, investment, Irish business, scaling, small business, start-ups