Ep#75 Memory, Attention and Traumatic Brain Injuries, With Dr Jen Blanchette

Looking at how we can improve memory and attention in a healthy brain, and also, concussion as a traumatic brain injury with a clinical specialist.

I love the opportunities I get to learn as I interview people for this podcast. For instance, I was totally unaware that a concussion - which is something that quite a few people have experienced - is a traumatic brain injury, or TBI for short.

Just recognising this, the impacts it can have on someone’s personal or working life, and what being aware of current best practise for treating and healing such injuries is can make a big difference in someone’s life. It can also make a big difference in the workplace.

This is the work that Dr Jen Blanchette focuses on. She’s the host of the TBI podcast, and has a clinical practise dealing with TBIs. From sports injuries to slips, trips and falls, Jen works with a wide range of patients.

We also talk about memory and concentration, and get into some discussion on how to help your brain function.

Dr. Jen Blanchette is a licensed psychologist and private practice owner in Freeport, ME. Her specialization includes psychotherapy after brain injury incorporating cognitive rehabilitation, trauma therapies, and mindfulness approaches. Dr. Blanchette is the host of the TBI Therapist podcast which explores the intersections of mental health, trauma, and brain injury or "the heart of brain injury'.

If you or someone you know has been impacted by concussion or other TBI, Jen has kindly provided us with access to a helpful free resource, and you can also check out her podcast here

You can also follow Jen on Instagram  - @tbitherapist

and facebook

Categories: : brain, brain health, brain injuries, brain science, memory, performance