Ep #64: The Red Dress with Creative PRO Kirstie Macleod

The Red Dress has taken shape over many years. It tells stories, brings together cultures & events, in a way that makes statements & asks questions.

Kirstie Macleod set out to explore who she was through the medium of embroidery and textile art. Along the way, she has become a conduit for women in 46 countries, many of whom have survived atrocities beyond comprehension. 

We discuss what it's like to work on a creative project in a long term context, how this work evolved, and what it has come to mean, both to the artist and the artisans she has co-created this stunning piece with. 

The Red Dress is now going on tour, and I'd urge you to support it by visiting it or participating in any events around the dress that are local to you. 

You can also support the Red Dress by heading over to the Etsy shop, where you can buy pieces of this project's very moving evolution. 

Categories: : conflict survivor, creative, creative pro, creative professional, culture, embroidery, marginalised women, textile art, trauma survivor, visibility