Ep#73 Never Mind the Niches, with Mary Henderson

Personal branding, self actualisation, and why 'finding a niche' is not always the right approach, with expert Mary Henderson.

If you had a penny for every entrepreneur out there trying to ‘find their niche’, you could probably retire already.

Today’s guest doesn’t even use the word niche. AND she thinks that what we typically call ‘a midlife crisis’ is actually a key step on the road to self-actualisation.

Put these two in the mix, and we’re in for a heady cocktail of business wisdom and straight talking insights from personal branding expert, Mary Henderson.

Mary is an internationally recognised Personal Branding & Online Business Specialist.

Mary helps Industry Experts systemise, digitalise and commercialise their knowledge, wisdom and skills into a scalable & profitable online business and a brand so they become an authority in their niche or industry.

Mary has 20+ years of experience building 7 & 8 figure businesses & building high-performance sales teams in the IT sector and 15 years delivering online solutions for large and small businesses. She has been featured in many publications and is regarded a thought leader in the digital sector.

You can find out more about Mary's work and book a gap analysis session with her through her links: 







Categories: : branding, business advice, business coach, business development, business expert, niche, personal branding