The One Word That Differentiates Entrepreneurs from the Self-Employed

Jason Skeesick is evangelical about entrepreneurship. We talk about risk, balance and the difference between being self-employed and entrepreneurs.

In this episode, I’m talking to Jason Skeesick, a man who is evangelical about entrepreneurship. We discuss the risks, and the rigour, as well as how romantic notions of escaping the 9-5 often need to be countered with a more integrated approach to life beyond work.

Jason also shares what he sees as the difference between entrepreneurship and being self-employed.

A US Army veteran, coach, father, husband, fighter, and carrier of heavy things, Jason's company, Spear and Clover, helps businesses with good leaders, talented teams, and strong playbooks go from perennial contenders to championship dynasties.

Don’t forget to check Jason’s resources, including this spreadsheet of his weekly breakdown, this free miniclass, and you can also head over and check out his Spear and Clover podcast too!

Categories: : entrepreneur, entrepreneur journey, solopreneur, start ups, work-life balance